Sami Statistics Speak

Kevin Johansen
Jon Todal
Magritt Brustad
Svanhild Andersen
Torunn Pettersen
Øivind Rustad
Yngve Johansen
Jan Åge Riseth
Torkel Rasmussen
Ketil Lenert Hansen
Full rapport

In 2008, the ministry with responsibility for Sami affairs (AID) decided to establish an Expert Group to edit and publish statistics on Sami issues. For a long time, there has been a need for quantitative knowledge on a wide range of topics relevant to a Sami context.

Since its establishment, the Expert Group has published approximately 80 articles written by researchers with in-depth knowledge on Sami affairs and statistics.

All articles have been published in both Sami and Norwegian. However, there has been an increasing demand for information on Sami topics in English so that researchers, scholars and others around the world are able to keep abreast of developments in Sami issues.

The following chapters are a good start for increasing and sharing knowledge on these subjects.